Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

January 20, 2010 - Kelly Brannigan inches her way up our collective Bucket List in her third trip to the IGN Babeology classroom. Like Catherine and Melissa Reign before her, Kelly turns it up to 11 in yet another barely-there bikini that makes the internet a better place for ogling.

For those of you brand spankin' new to the proceedings - seriously, what's up with that? You're some kind of wrong person to be showing up late, but be thankful that we here at IGN Stars pride ourselves in welcoming new Babehounds into our objectifying den.

Ahem, so here's how it works: We roll out a new piece of wantness every week, with her best pics and video for your safe-at-work viewing pleasure. Kelly is quickly becoming one of our favorite here at Babeology HQ, and we think the evidence below speaks to why.

Check out Kelly's  pictures, and sing some praise her way in the comments. Those that sing anti-praise? We shake our heads at you, wrong person. We shake our heads...

- Photo by: Cherie Roberts
Hope she has a permit for all this.

- Photo by: Cherie Roberts

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